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Use these resources to search for magazine & newspaper articles, encyclopedia entries or business and job information; find a recommendation for a good novel; and much more. Your library card is required to search most of the databases.
Learn a New Language or Skill

Chilton Library
Chilton Library is an automotive repair database with maintenance instructions and repair guides for most vehicle years, makes, and models. As one of the most trusted names in auto repair, Chilton Library is a fantastic resource for the at-home mechanic or automotive enthusiast.

Gale Presents: Udemy
Gale Presents: Udemy is an online learning platform for adults who want to improve work-related skills or further develop a personal interest. Users can search through more than 4,000 continuously updated, on-demand video courses across 75 categories in business, technology, design, and more. All courses are taught by world-class instructors and offer a tailor-made learning experience for those who want to learn new technologies and skills to stay competitive in a changing workforce.

Mango Languages
Casual, cultural, and conversational learning. Speak like a local in 70+ languages with practical, conversation-based language lessons for web, iOS, and Android. Learn Spanish, French, German, and more — download the free Mango app to get started.
Other resources

ACM – Adult Basic Education Courses
Adult Basic Education (ABE) is currently offering Hybrid courses to allow adult learners a flexible way to engage in learning while maintaining safety and flexibility. Our courses will still provide the opportunity for contact with the instructor and classmates in face to face formats coupled with digital and remote learning.

Adult Basic Education GED/NEDP
The program provides educational services to Maryland residents who would like to earn the credential of a Maryland high school diploma by taking the GED test or by completing the National External Diploma Program, or who may need a skills refresher for their jobs or continuing education. offers more than 200 topics, including more than 2,000 lessons, more than 1,000 videos, and more than 50 interactives and games, completely free provided by the Goodwill Community Foundation.

Digital Learn
The Public Library Association’s site,, is an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant-funded project to create an online hub for digital literacy support and training. Included in is a collection of self-directed tutorials for end-users to increase their digital literacy. Feedback from public library staff directed PLA to develop courses on the most basic skills, such as using a computer, navigating a web site, and searching.

Grow with Google
Free training, tools, and resources to help you grow your skills, career, or business.

IT Center of Excellence Western Maryland
The Western Maryland IT Center of Excellence strives to instill a high level of interest in Information Technology business development in Western Maryland while educating a local workforce to meet the demands of IT business retention, expansion, and attraction.

MIT OpenCourseWare is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.